Business Automation (BA) planned for a seminar at Varendra University as a part of the job & skill development opportunity for students and fresh graduates. The objective of the seminar is to make dreams of an offshore development center come true at Bangabandhu Seikh Mujib Hi-Tech park, Rajshahi. For this purpose, BA contacted the Department of CSE. They asked for details about the topics & background of the speaker. After getting the details, they confirmed the time & venue and also informed their students about the seminar. BA provided an online registration form for the students. On 20-Oct-2022, Md. Sirajul Islam, Consultant of BA presented the Corporate Profile of Business Automation. Then DR. MD. MAJHARUL HAQUE, Advisor and Head of the Development Team delivered the session on several topics like basic building blocks of applications, user-friendly applications, database design, etc. The arrangement was About 80 students participated in the seminar from CSE and were involved in the seminars directly with their different types of queries. There was an online quiz & survey for the students on basic knowledge and their expectation. Some students informed to us that they have experience in working with flutter and want to work with it. After that, one of the faculty members of Varendro University sat with the BA team to discuss on forming a forum. They also discussed arranging hackathons & giving intern opportunities for their students. Finally, CSE department was appreciated and expressed interest in staying with BA system. It was an interactive session and BA is hopeful about it.Seminar at Varendra University, Rajshahi on “Building Blocks of Professional Software Development & the Career Opportunity at Business Automation”