Business Automation Ltd.’s One-Stop Service portal (OSSP), has been implemented in the Ministry of Religious Affairs Bangladesh (MORA) to maintain"> One-Stop Service Platform (OSSP) has been implemented in Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) | Business Automation Ltd

One-Stop Service Platform (OSSP) has been implemented in Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)

One-Stop Service Platform (OSSP) has been implemented in Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)

Business Automation Ltd.’s One-Stop Service portal (OSSP), has been implemented in the Ministry of Religious Affairs Bangladesh (MORA) to maintain and strengthen security, privacy as well as audit logs. The One-Stop Service Platform (OSSP) is a digital one-stop service delivery platform that automates forms and apps. It's an extremely useful framework that adds a layer of security and dependability to a variety of new features. OSSP allows to users to access numerous approved systems with a single set of credentials.

Ministry of Religious Affairs Bangladesh (MORA) - The Ministry of Religious Affairs is the ministry responsible for religious events, buildings, and manage the Hajj program of Bangladesh.