Start Date: 21-Jan-2025 End Date: 23-Jan-2025 Total Durations: 23:30 hr


Training Medium: Karwan Bazar


This training focuses on digital land management and effective administration of smart land service delivery systems, with an emphasis on cyber security. It covers advanced concepts in admin panel management, deployment process and software security.

This Course is Best Suited For

Selected participants from the Ministry of Housing and Public Works.



Why Join

  1. Understanding the basics of BCC e-Gov Cloud Services and Kubernetes.
  2. Setting up and configuring Kubernetes clusters.
  3. Containerizing applications and creating Kubernetes manifests.
  4. Deploying applications with DNS/SSL, scaling and health probes.
  5. Automating deployment using CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, ArgoCD).
  6. Performance monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana and ELK stack
  7. Applying best practices for security and problem solving.

What You'll Learn

1. Introduction to BCC e-Gov Cloud and Kubernetes

Overview of BCC e-Gov Cloud Services.
Fundamentals of Kubernetes: Pods, Nodes, Services, and Ingress.

2. Kubernetes cluster setup

Resource Provisioning in BCC e-Gov Cloud.
Installing Kubernetes and configuring Kubernetes using KubADM.
Verifying cluster setup.

3. Preparing for Application Deployment

Writing Dockerfiles and containerizing microservices.
Setting up a private Docker registry using Nexus.
Creating the Kubernetes Manifest (Deployment, Services, Ingress).

4. Project Deployment

Creating namespaces and deploying applications.
Configuring Nginx ingress and DNS/SSL certificates.
Setting up auto-scaling and health probes.

5. Implementation of CI/CD pipeline

Automating Docker image creation and deployment.
Building a CI/CD pipeline by integrating Jenkins and ArgoCD.

6. Monitoring and log management

Monitoring by installing Prometheus and Grafana.
Log management with the ELK stack.

7. Problem solving and best practices

Solving deployment challenges.
Security improvements: RBAC and network policy enforcement.

8. Closing and Q&A

Live demonstration of deployed projects.
Discussion and open question and answer session.

Training Schedule

Day Time Location Seats
Tuesday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Karwan Bazar 10

Stay tuned to this website for updates on the next batch! Don't miss your chance to register and be part of it.