Start Date: 22-Sep-2024 End Date: 22-Sep-2024 Total Durations: 02:00 hr


Training Medium: Online

This Course is Best Suited For

Everyone from Business Automation Ltd can apply for this course who is interested to learn.

Why Join

The objective of the Basic Docker and Kubernetes Course in a 2-hour session is to provide a concise, Basic-level overview of containerization and orchestration, focusing on the practical aspects of Docker and Kubernetes. By the end of this short session, participants will:

  • Understand the fundamentals of containerization and its advantages in software development.
  • Be familiar with the basic concepts and commands of Docker for creating and running containers.
  • Have a basic-level understanding of Kubernetes.
  • Introduction containerized application using Docker and Kubernetes. This session is designed to give participants a hands-on introduction, preparing them for deeper exploration of these technologies.

What You'll Learn

Part 1: Introduction to Containers and Docker (50 minutes)

1.Understanding Containerization
What is a container?
Advantages of containers vs. traditional virtual machines.

2.Introduction to Docker

Overview of Docker and its role in containerization.
Key components: Docker images and containers.

3.Hands-on: Running Your First Docker Container

Installing Docker (brief mention of platforms).
Pulling a Docker image from Docker Hub.
Running a simple container (e.g., Nginx or Hello World).
Basic Docker commands (start, stop, remove, logs).

Part 2: Introduction to Kubernetes (50 minutes)

1.What is Kubernetes?
The role of Kubernetes in managing containerized applications.
Kubernetes architecture overview: Pods, Nodes, and Clusters.

2.Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Pods: The smallest unit of deployment.
Introduction to Deployments and Services.

Part 3: Wrap-up and Q&A (20 minutes)

1.Key Takeaways
Review of Docker and Kubernetes key concepts.
Best practices and next steps for learning.

2.Q&A Session
Addressing participant questions.

Training Schedule

Day Time Location Seats
Sunday 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM Online 80

Stay tuned to this website for updates on the next batch! Don't miss your chance to register and be part of it.